El Tecnológico de Costa Rica (TEC) es una institución pública de educación superior, líder en el ámbito tecnológico y comprometida con el desarrollo social del país. Por medio de la Dirección de Cooperación, el TEC promueve Programas Internacionales con el fin de atraer grupos estudiantiles, de docencia, investigación, extensión y/o gestión que estén interesados a nivel externo de realizar estancias cortas especiales en el Tecnológico de Costa Rica o; a nivel interno que deseen realizar giras a universidades extranjeras, con el fin en ambos casos de ampliar sus conocimientos académicos, en idioma y/o cultura.
La experiencia académica se combina con visitas de campo y giras turísticas que le permiten a los participantes conocer y apreciar la belleza natural y cultural del lugar de destino.
Si usted está interesado en obtener más información por parte del Tecnológico de Costa Rica, favor contactarse a través del siguiente correo electrónico: mumana@tec.ac.cr
“Thank you for posting on Facebook the images of our visit to TEC. We had a great time at the university and during the travels that followed. Both David Stearns and I were impressed with the lectures we received at TEC. Elemer and the other speakers were well prepared and the content was well suited to the students’ needs….I would like to say that I thought the overall organization of the trip was excellent and the activities were well chosen. Gustavo, our guide, was professional and very enjoyable. The students really liked him. We all felt like we were in good hands with Gustavo leading us. We also enjoyed Jenny. She was friendly and capable. Thank you for making us feel welcome and comfortable during our stay in Costa Rica”
John Neumann, College of New Caledonia
“…I can not begin to thank you enough for my life changing experiences in Costa Rica. The educational events were wonderful, the trips and tours were exceptional, and food was delicious. Thanks again for all your efforts in making a trip a memorable one that will last my lifetime”
Patrick N Williams, Purdue University

“The study abroad program in Costa Rica was incredible. It was a great balance between studying and fun activities. The professors are absolutely amazing. After going to class and studying hard Monday through Thursday, the weekend excursions are incredible. I saw and experienced so many new and exciting things. All of the staff at ITCR are very supportive and friendly. It is a great opportunity and I highly recommend it!”
Stephanie Buchanan, San Diego State University
“My study abroad program at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology in Cartago was a true life changing. My professors were really informative and patient and actually feel like they became some of the good friends that I made during my trip. The school had all the necessary ammenaties that made the learning experience easy to learn and adjust from my home university. Also the city of Cartago was a wonderful and culturally rich place to live and meet many new friends”
Andreas Martinez, San Diego State University

"It has been extremely inspiring and enjoyable working as a nature guide and logistic director of study abroad groups for TEC. Our professional relation started almost two decades ago, delivering unique experiences and events that created a great positive effect on our participants. The students have been immersed with our local efforts of conservation, understanding our strengths and areas of improvement with a close interaction with TEC faculty.
TEC itineraries are designed with a devoted attention to details, providing unique locations in order to discover our culture and natural world. There has been a complete integration between participants and the local people. It has been a remarkable experience witnessing the passion for conservation initiatives from Costa Rican rural inhabitants, their environmental practices and the success stories behind their responsible practices".
Gustavo Abarca
Naturalist guide ICT #771