Esteban Lafuente

Esteban Lafuente

Short bio

Esteban Lafuente is a Professor in the School of Business at the Costa Rica Institute of Technology (ITCR). I completed my PhD. in Business Economics at the Autonomous University of Barcelona (UAB, Spain) in 2010.

I am Editor of Small Business Economics journal. I also served as Senior Researcher in the Catalan entrepreneurship observatory, Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM-Catalunya) between 2009 and 2013. During this period I co-organized, with Prof. Yancy Vaillant (TBS), the Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Research Conference on Entrepreneurship and Economic Development in Barcelona (June 2013).

My research work is mostly devoted to the economic analysis of organizations, with special emphasis on models of production economics, digitalization, and organizational behavior. In another research stream, I am interested in work safety practices and policies, and their economic benefits from an organizational and territorial perspective. My research has been published in a variety of journals, including among others Research Policy, Small Business Economics, Regional Studies, the International Journal of Production Economics, Safety Science, Applied Psychology: An International Review, Journal of Productivity Analysis, Journal of Technology Transfer, British Journal of Management, Journal of Business Research, and Entrepreneurship & Regional Development.

I have published, jointly with Zoltan Acs (George Mason University) and László Szerb (University of Pécs), various books in which we provide a rich understanding of entrepreneurial ecosystems, and present a detailed look at the quality and scale of this ecosystem around the globe. I also published, together with my colleague Ferran Vendrell (University of Birmingham), a book on Entrepreneurship (2014: Emprender en la era digital: Tres casos de emprendedores con teoría integrada) where we seek to demystify and enhance our understanding on the entrepreneurial phenomenon and the challenges that entrepreneurs are faced with through three in-depth case studies. Finally, I received the Best Paper Award of the Iberoamerican Academy of Management in 2009 (Buenos Aires, Argentina).


Escuela de Administración de Empresas

Sede Campus Tecnológico Central Cartago


List of journal publications

Lafuente, E. (2024).  Learning from different types of failure: evidence from non-severe and severe work accidents in SMEs. Small Business Economics, in press, doi:

Lafuente, E., Acs, Z.J., Szerb, L. (2024). Analysis of the digital platform economy around the world: A network DEA model for identifying policy priorities. Journal of Small Business Management, 62(2), 847-891.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2023). Greater co-innovation and innovation efficiency through greening, Journal of Cleaner Production, 428, 139516.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2023).  Greening as a competitiveness optimizer of servitization, Technovation, 127, 102849.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Rabetino, R. (2023). Digital disruption of optimal co-innovation configurations. Technovation, 125, 102772.

Lafuente, E., Acs, Z.J., Szerb, L. (2022). A composite indicator analysis for optimizing entrepreneurial ecosystems. Research Policy, 51(9), 104379.

Lafuente, E., Araya, M., Leiva, J.C. (2022). Assessment of local competitiveness: A composite indicator analysis of Costa Rican counties using the 'Benefit of the Doubt' model. Socio-Economic Planning Sciences, 81, 100864

Vendrell-Herrero, F., Vaillant, Y., Bustinza, O., Lafuente, E. (2022). Product lifespan: the missing link in servitization. Production Planning & Control, 33(14), 1372-1388.

Lafuente, E., Abad, J. (2021). Territorial efficiency: Analysis of the role of public work safety controlsSafety Science, 134, 105074.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Alvarado, M., Mora-Esquivel, R., Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2021). Experience as a catalyst of export destinations: The ambidextrous connection between international experience and past entrepreneurial experience. International Business Review, 30(1), 101765.

Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E., Horváth, K., Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2021). Regions on course for the Fourth Industrial Revolution: the role of a strong indigenous T-KIBS sector. Regional Studies, 55(10-11), 1816-1828.

Lafuente, E., Acs, Z.J., Sanders, M., Szerb, L. (2020). The global technology frontier: productivity growth and the relevance of Kirznerian and Schumpeterian entrepreneurship. Small Business Economics, 55, 153-178.

Lafuente, E., Leiva, J.C., Moreno, J., Szerb, L. (2020). A non-parametric analysis of competitiveness efficiency: The relevance of firm size and the configuration of competitive pillars. BRQ Business Research Quarterly, 23(3), 203-216.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2019). Territorial servitization and the manufacturing renaissance in knowledge-based economies. Regional Studies, 53(3), 313-319.

Szerb, L., Lafuente, E., Horváth, K., Páger, B. (2019). The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: the moderating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. Regional Studies, 53(9), 1308-1320.

Lafuente, E., Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2019). Assessing the productivity of technology transfer offices: an analysis of the relevance of aspiration performance and portfolio complexity. Journal of Technology Transfer, 44 (3), 778-801. 

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2019). Conformance and performance roles of bank boards: The connection between non-performing loans and non-performing directorships. European Management Journal, 37 (5), 664-673. 

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Vendrell-Herrero, F., Gomes, E. (2019). Bouncing back from failure: Entrepreneurial resilience and the internationalization of subsequent ventures created by serial entrepreneurs. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 68 (4), 658-694.

Bustinza, O., Lafuente, E., Rabetino, R. Vaillant, Y., Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2019). Make-or-buy configurational approaches in product-service ecosystems and performance. Journal of Business Research, 104, 393-401.

Vaillant, Y, Lafuente, E., Bayon, M. (2019). Early internationalization patterns and export market persistence: a pseudo-panel data analysis. Small Business Economics, 53 (3), 669-686.

Lafuente, E., Berbegal-Mirabent, J. (2019). Contract employment policy and research productivity of knowledge workers: an analysis of Spanish universities. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 30 (16), 2360-2386.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2019). Balance rather than critical mass or tokenism: Gender diversity, leadership and performance in financial firms. International Journal of Manpower, 40 (5), 894-916.

Vaillant, Y, Lafuente, E. (2019). The increased international propensity of serial entrepreneurs demonstrating ambidextrous strategic agility: A precursor to international marketing agility. International Marketing Review, 36 (2), 239-259.

Vaillant, Y, Lafuente, E. (2019). Entrepreneurial experience and the innovativeness of serial entrepreneurs. Management Decision, 57 (11), 2869-2889.

Lafuente, E., Abad, J. (2018). Analysis of the relationship between the adoption of the OHSAS 18001 and business performance in different organizational contexts. Safety Science, 103, 12-22.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Moreno-Gomez, J. (2018). Transition in-and-out of exporting and its impact on employment growth. International Journal of Emerging Markets, 13 (6), 1907-1927.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Vendrell-Herrero, F. (2017). Territorial servitization: Exploring the virtuous circle connecting knowledge-intensive services and new manufacturing businesses. International Journal of Production Economics, 192, 19-28.

Lafuente, E., Szerb, L., Acs, Z.J. (2016). Country level efficiency and national systems of entrepreneurship: a data envelopment analysis approach. Journal of Technology Transfer, 41 (6), 1260-1283.

Bayon, M, Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2016). Human capital and the decision to exploit innovative opportunity. Management Decision, 54 (7), 1615-1632.

Lafuente, E., Gómez-Araujo, E. (2016). The Territorial Economic Impact of Entrepreneurial Youthfulness. Strategic Change, 25 (2), 187-204.

Epure, M., Lafuente, E. (2015). Monitoring bank performance in the presence of risk. Journal of Productivity Analysis, 44 (3), 265-281.

Lafuente, E., Stoian, C., Rialp, J. (2015). From Export Entry to De-internationalisation through Entrepreneurial Attributes.Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 22 (1), 21-37.

Bayon, M., Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E. (2015). Antecedents of perceived entrepreneurial ability in Catalonia: the individual and the entrepreneurial contextJournal of Global Entrepreneurship Research, 5 (1), 1-19.

Bayon, M., Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E. (2015). Initiating nascent entrepreneurial activities: The relative role of perceived and actual entrepreneurial ability. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Behavior & Research, 21 (1), 27-49.

Abad, J., Lafuente, E., Vilajosana, J. (2013). An assessment of the OHSAS 18001 certification process: Objective drivers and consequences on safety performance and labour productivity. Safety Science, 60 (December), 47-56.

Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Lafuente, E., Solé, F. (2013). The pursuit of knowledge transfer activities: An efficiency analysis of Spanish universities. Journal of Business Research, 66 (10), 2051-2059.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2013). Age Driven Influence of Role-Models on Entrepreneurship in a Transition Economy. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 20 (1), 181-203.

Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E., Serarols Ch. (2012). Location Decisions of New KISA firms: The Rural-Urban Divide. Service Industries Journal, 32 (16), 2543-2563.

Lafuente, E., Rabetino R. (2011). Human Capital and Growth in Romanian Small Firms. Journal of Small Business and Enterprise Development, 18 (1), 74-96.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Serarols Ch. (2010). Location decisions of knowledge-based entrepreneurs: Why some Catalan KISAs choose to be rural? Technovation, 30, 590-600.

Lafuente, E., Bayo Moriones, A., García-Cestona, M. (2010). ISO Certification and Ownership Structure: Effects upon Firm Performance. British Journal of Management, 21 (3), 649-665.

Driga, O., Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2009). Reasons behind the relatively lower entrepreneurial activity levels of rural women: Looking into rural Spain. Sociologia Ruralis, 49 (1), 70-96.

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Rialp J. (2007). Regional differences in the influence of Role-Models: Comparing the Entrepreneurial Process of Rural Catalonia. Regional Studies, 41 (6), 779-796.

Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E. (2007). Do Different Institutional Frameworks Condition the Influence of Local Fear of Failure and Entrepreneurial Examples over Entrepreneurial Activity? Entrepreneurship and Regional Development, 19 (4), 313-337.

Lafuente, E., Solà, M. (2005). Acerinox: Evaluación de Gestión y Eficiencia. Revista de Contabilidad y Dirección, 2, 269-319.


Books and book chapters 

Acs, Z., Lafuente, E., Szerb, L. (2023). The Entrepreneurial Ecosystem: A Global Perspective. Palgrave Macmillan. ISBN978-3-031-25930-2. doi:

Acs, Z., Szerb, L., Komlosi, E., Lafuente, E. (2022). The Digital Platform Economy Index 2020, Springer International Publishing (SpringerBriefs in Economics). ISBN 978-3-030-89650-8 (Softcover), 978-3-030-89651-5 (eBook), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-89651-5

Acs, Z., Szerb, L., Song, A., Lafuente, E., Komlosi, E. (2022). Measuring the digital platform economy, in Keyhani, M., Kollmann, T., Ashjari, A., Sorgner, A., Eiríkur Hull, C. (eds.), Handbook of Digital Entrepreneurship, chapter 5 (pp. 91-120). Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN 978-1-800-37362-4 

Acs, Z., Szerb, L., Lafuente, E., Lloyd, A. (2018). Global Entrepreneurship and Development Index 2018, Springer International Publishing (SpringerBriefs in Economics). ISBN 978-3-030-03278-4 (Softcover), 978-3-030-03279-1 (eBook), doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-03279-1

Lafuente, E., Vendrell, F., Visnjic, I. (2017). 6th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS 2017), OMNIA Science Publishing.

Lafuente, E., Vendrell, F. (2014). Emprender en la era digital: Tres casos de emprendedores con teoría integrada, OMNIA Science Publishing.

Desender, K., Lafuente, E. (2012). The Role of Enterprise Risk Management in Determining Audit Fees: Complement or Substitute. In Jalilvand, A. and Malliaris, A.G. (eds.), Risk Management and Corporate Governance (pp. 5-27), Routledge (Taylor & Francis Group).


Working papers

Acs, Z., Lafuente, E., Szerb, L. (2021). The digital ecosystem around the world: a composite indicator analysis. SSRN Working Paper Series, Available at SSRN:

Lafuente, E., Araya, M., Leiva, J.C. (2019). The performance of local governments: A composite indicator analysis using the ‘Benefit of the Doubt’ model. Working paper presented at the 7th International Workshop on Efficiency in Education, Health and other Public Services. Universitat Internacional de Catalunya, Spain (September 5th-6th).

Lafuente, E., Daza, V. (2019). Work inspections as a control mechanism for mitigating work accidents in Europe. SSRN Working Paper Series, Available at SSRN:

Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E., Horváth, K. (2019). Local Product-Service Innovation Systems: T-KIBS Contribute most to Local Manufacturing Performance. SSRN Working Paper Series, Available at SSRN:

Lafuente, E., Acs, Z., Szerb, L. (2018). The entrepreneurship paradox: More entrepreneurs are not always good for the economy - The role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem on economic performance in Africa. SSRN Working Paper Series, doi: 10.2139/ssrn.3307617. Available at SSRN:

Horváth, K., Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2018). The differentiating role of knowledge-intensive business service firms on the economic contribution of manufacturing businesses. Working paper presented at the 7th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS), Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal (November 22nd-23th).

Acs, Z.J., Lafuente, E., Sanders, M. Szerb, L. (2017). Productivity and Growth: The relevance of the National System of Entrepreneurship. Working Paper WP17-03, Horizon2020 project Financial and Institutional Reforms to build an Entrepreneurial Society (FIRES) (EU Grant Agreement Number: 649378). Available at

Szerb, L., Lafuente, E., Horváth, K., Páger, B. (2017). The relevance of quantity and quality entrepreneurship for regional performance: The moderating role of the entrepreneurial ecosystem. (doi: 10.13140/RG.2.2.28755.68645). SSRN Working Paper Series. Available at

Lafuente, E., García-Cestona, M. (2016). Endogenously Determined CEO Turnover: The Struggle for Continuance in Public and Private Firms. Academy of Management Proceedings,1 (doi: 10.5465/ambpp.2016.16428abstract).

Lafuente, E., Szerb, L., Rideg, A. (2016). A system dynamics approach for assessing business competitiveness. Working paper presented at the 30th RENT Conference, University of Antwerp, Belgium (November 16th-18th).

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Vendrell, F. (2015). Servitization for entrepreneurs: Exploring the synergies between new KIBS and new manufacturers in Spanish regions. Working paper presented at the 4th International Conference on Business Servitization (ICBS), Rey Juan Carlos University, Madrid, Spain (November 19th-20th).

Lafuente, E., Szerb, L. (2015). A system dynamics approach for assessing small business competitiveness. Working paper presented at the 19th Annual Interdisciplinary Conference on Entrepreneurship and Innovation, University of Kassel, Germany (October 8th-9th).

Lafuente, E., Szerb, L. (2014). Measuring competitiveness in the Hungarian small business sector. Working paper presented at the Via Futuri 2014 International Conference, Pécs, Hungary (November 27-28).

Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E., Bayon, M. (2013). Which has the greatest impact? The Novel or the Incumbent SMEs. Working paper presented at the Tenth Biannual Conference on Entrepreneurship (Entrepreneurship Development Institute), Ahmedabad, India (February 20-22).

Epure, M., Lafuente, E. (2012). Monitoring Bank Performance in the Presence of Risk. Barcelona GSE Working Papers Series 613. Working paper presented at the 8th Asia-Pacific Productivity Conference, Bangkok, Thailand (July 25-27).

Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Lafuente, E., Solé, F. (2012). The pursuit of knowledge transfer activities: An efficiency analysis of Spanish universities. Paper presented at the 2012 Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy (GIKA) Conference. Valencia, Spain (July 10–12).

Berbegal-Mirabent, J., Lafuente, E., Solé, F. (2012). Knowledge transfer and spin-off performance in Spanish universities. Paper presented at the 2nd Conference of the International Network of Business and Management Journals (INBAM). Valencia, Spain (March 20–22).

Lafuente, E., Stoian, C. (2011). Time to Have a Look at Export Behaviour in Emerging Markets? Internal Export Determinants in the Romanian SMEs Context. Centre for Entrepreneurship & Business Research. CEBR working paper series WP 01/2011.

Vaillant, Y., Lafuente, E., Bayon, M. (2011). Beyond objective measures of human capital: Social learning, territory in demographics in influencing perceived human capital. 5th Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Research Conference. Colombia (October 8).

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y., Bayon, M. (2010). International variations in the impact of perceived and actual human capital on entrepreneurial activities. Working Paper presented at the 4th Global Entrepreneurship Monitor Research Conference. London (September 30 – October 2).

Desender, K., Lafuente, E. (2010). The influence of board composition, audit fees and ownership concentration on enterprise risk management. Centre for Entrepreneurship & Business Research. SSRN Working Paper Series (

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2010). Regional Differences in New Firm Formation: Evidence from Romania, Centre for Entrepreneurship & Business Research. CEBR working paper series WP 01/2010.

Lafuente, E., Garcia-Cestona, M. (2009) Endogenously Determined CEO Turnover: The Struggle for Continuance in Listed and Unlisted Firms. Working Paper presented at the 6th International Meeting – International Academy of Management. Buenos Aires, Argentina (December 9–11). Best Paper Award. SSRN Working Paper Series (

Lafuente, E., Garcia-Cestona, M. (2009) Endogenously Determined CEO Turnover: The Struggle for Continuance in Listed and Unlisted Firms. Paper presented at the 36th EARIE Conference. Ljubljana, Slovenia (September 3–5).

Lafuente, E., Garcia-Cestona, M. (2008) Endogenously Determined CEO Turnover: The Struggle for Continuance in Listed and Unlisted Firms. Working Paper presented at the 8th Workshop on Corporate Governance. Istanbul, Turkey (November 7–8).

Lafuente, E., Garcia-Cestona, M. (2008) Managerial Turnover and Performance in Outside Boards: Ownership Makes the Difference. Working Paper presented at the 15th World Congress of the International Economic Association (IEA). Istanbul, Turkey (June 25–28). SSRN Working Paper Series (

Lafuente, E., Garcia-Cestona, M. (2008) Managerial Turnover and Performance in Outside Boards: Ownership Makes the Difference. Working Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management. Anaheim, United States of America (August 8–13).

Lafuente, E., Garcia-Cestona, M. (2008) Managerial Turnover and Performance in Outside Boards: Ownership Makes the Difference. Working Paper presented at the Conference on the Corporate Finance and Governance of Privately Held Firms. Centre for Corporate Governance Research. Norwegian School of Management (BI). Oslo, Norway (May 23–24).

Vaillant, Y., Serarols, Ch., Lafuente, E. (2008) Location decisions of technology-based entrepreneurs: why some Catalan KISAs choose to be rural? Working Paper presented at the RENT XXII Conference -Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business / EIASM (European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management), Covilha, Portugal (November)

Lafuente, E., Rabetino, R. (2008) The Pursuit of the Efficient Scale Size: Implications for Firm Growth, SSRN Working Paper Series (

Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2008). Generationally Driven Influence of Role-Models on Entrepreneurship: 'Institutional Memory' in a Transition Economy, Centre for Entrepreneurship & Business Research. CEBR working paper series WP 03/2008.

Lafuente, E., Rabetino, R. (2007) Human Capital as a Determinant of Small Firms’ Growth in Romania: A Quantile Approach, CEBR working paper series WP 03/2007.

Driga, O., Lafuente, E., Vaillant, Y. (2005). Gender differences in entrepreneurial activity: An analysis of Informal Institutional Factors. Working paper presented at the 50th Congress of the International Council for Small Business (ICSB). Washington D.C., United States of America.