Biomechanical Evaluation of the Osseointegration of Biologically Coated Open-Cell Titanium Implants.
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Bone replacement by open-cell titanium sponge with bioactive reaction layer
Ohrndorf, A.; Guillén, T.; Christ, H-J. et al.: Bone replacement by open-cell titanium sponge with bioactive reaction layer, accepted in Proc. Euromat 2009, Glasgow, UK
Brenes-Granados, D., Cubero-Sesin, J.M., Orozco-Gutiérrez, F. Vega-Baudrit, J.R. González-Paz, Rodolfo
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Caracterización de defectos y alteraciones nanoestructurales en la superaleación Nimonic 80A por medio de micros
Carbon allotropes as electrochemical sensors for environmental monitoring.
Claudia C. Villarreal, Tung Pham, Pankaj Ramnani, Ashok Mulchandani. Carbon allotropes as electrochemical sensors for environmental monitoring. Current Opinion in Electrochemistry, 2017, 3 :106–113 DOI: 10.1016/j.coelec.2017.07.004
Ver publicaciónCharacterisation of a metallic foam–cement composite under selected loading conditions.
Tozzi, G; Zhang, QH; Lupton, C; Tong, J; Guillen, T; Ohrndorf, A; Christ, H.-J.; Characterisation of a metallic foam–cement composite under selected loading conditions. Journal of Materials Science: Materials in Medicine 24 (11), 2509-2518. 2013.
Characterization of open-cell metallic implant structures with biological reaction layer.
Guillén, T.; Ohrndorf, A.; Christ, H.-J.; Krupp, U., Characterization of open-cell metallic implant structures with biological reaction layer. (Poster), Junior Euromat 2008, Lausanne , Schweiz.
Compressive behaviour of bovine cancellous bone and bone analogous materials, microCT characterisation and FE
Guillén, T.; Zhang, Q.H.; Tozzi, G., Ohrndorf, A.; Christ, H.J.; Tong, J., Compressive behaviour of bovine cancellous bone and bone analogous materials, microCT characterisation and FE analysis. J. Mech. Behav. Biomed. Mater. 4 (7), 1452-1461, 2011.
Compressive Fatigue Behaviour of Bovine Cancellous Bone and Bone Analogous Materials under Multi-step Loading
Guillén, T.; Ohrndorf, A.; Tozzi, G.; Tong, J.; Christ, H-J.; Compressive Fatigue Behaviour of Bovine Cancellous Bone and Bone Analogous Materials under Multi-step Loading Conditions. Adv. Eng. Mat., 14 (5), B199-B207, 2012.