Claudia Chaves Villarreal


Scientist and engineer focused on proof-of-concept, implementation, upscaling and training of sustainable electrochemical device technology including biosensors, biophotovoltaics, and batteries fabricated with abundant materials. Research for product concept, development and upgrading. Specialized in electrochemical synthesis, characterization, and device development. Experienced in nanotechnology and microfabrication: thin films, nanoparticles, carbon nanomaterials, heterostructures, graphene, synthesis in liquid and vapor phase (CVD), surface functionalization and electrolyte design. Materials characterization: electron microscopy SEM, TEM, SAED, AFM, EDS, Raman, thermal analysis, spectroscopy, XRD, electrochemical impedance, cyclic voltammetry, semiconductor and photovoltaic electrical characterization. Clean room trained in e-beam evaporation, ALD, photolithography. Laboratory director: proposal writing, project development, budget management, human resource management and safety management, experimental design, acquisitions. Entrepreneur and mentor. Promoter of anaerobic digestion systems for rural family farms.


imagen con fines ilustrativos
Baterías ión-aluminio como acumuladores de energía renovable
Ph.D - Claudia Chaves Villarreal
imagen con fines ilustrativos
Nanobarras de TiO2 para fotoánodo de celda biofotovoltaica
Varios investigadores